Lots of changes! Bad mama not keeping up on the baby-book blog :(. Brayden you are a walking, trying to be talking, jumping bean! The words are popping up left and right, (kitty, bubble, please and thank you, blue, yellow...the list goes on.... and I'm sure it will be bigger tomorrow) and you are mastering all the skills it takes to be a kid! New feats: climbing up play structures and going down the slide all by yourself!! You trying reeeaalllly hard to master "the jump" and practice all of the time... to my enjoyment...its really pretty hysterical!!
The kitchen remodel is done, not bad, 2 mos of major work!! You've been totally intrigued by all the work and are now our part time hired hand for drilling and sanding. You are def a lil worker B!! Great help pulling weeds, cleaning the floor and the inside of the dish washer? Toys don't really work for ya, as you just want to be doing whatever we're doing...EXACTLY! You are such a little sponge!!...we really need to be careful, cause anything we say or do in front of you is instantly mimicked!! Still a binkie boy big time, and I'm having a hard time picturing taking it away from you for ever :( (bed-time and car rides are when you get it...and randomly when you have a secret stash somewhere) You are more and more challenging some days, when it comes to...pretty much everything! "no!"... your new favorite word.... I hate the battles... I have to say!
Best bud by far is little Gus, who's name you can suddenly say as of 3 days ago, and do all of the time! You both light up when you see eachother. SOOO rdiculously cute! We've got lots of fun ahead of us this summer as our remodels are almost done!! yay for gorgeous new kitchen, laundry room, and yet to be dry walled...family rooooom! Brayden your're a sensitive, occasionally sweet, little busy body, too ready to be driving cars, mowing feilds, and building houses!! I Luv you more than you have any idea!! xxxx oh, p.s: you kicked me today...out of anger for something I'm am completly unaware of...3 times!!!! and I had to put you time out :( ...I cried! so did you....Buuut I dooo still luv you like crazy you little turkey-butt! lets hurry up and get past thes terrible 2s...gulp!??